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In America, there are approximately 270 million firearms possessed by civilians, and only 897,000 carried by police.
Approximately 20% of gun owners own 65% of the guns.
The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms reports that about 5.5 million new firearms were manufactured in America in 2010. 95% of these were for the U.S. market.
Close to 33,000 Americans were victims of gun-related deaths in 2011 and an average of 268 citizens are shot every day.
In 2011, 10.3 in every 100,000 people in the U.S. were victims of gun-related deaths.
Along with King Tut, perhaps no figure is more famously associated with ancient Egypt than Cleopatra VII. But while she was born in Alexandria, Cleopatra was actually part of a long line of Greek Macedonians originally descended from Ptolemy I, one of Alexander the Great’s most trusted lieutenants. The Ptolemaic Dynasty ruled Egypt from 323 to 30 B.C., and most of its leaders remained largely Greek in their culture and sensibilities. In fact, Cleopatra was famous for being one of the first members of the Ptolemaic dynasty to actually speak the Egyptian language.

Owing to their incredible adaptability, pumas are the widest ranging
land-living mammal in the Western hemisphere, taking up residence from
Canada through the U.S. and Central America, all the way down to the
southern tip of Chile

Killer Whale Vs Great White shark " watch the movie "

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